Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My jar of pride is like a vacuum. It can't be filled up.

So, before I write the next chapter of the thing i'm writing, I am going to write in my blog.

What has happened so far? Classes are getting more comfortable and some friends are detaching themselves from their former groups etc... Here you find the real friends that you have.

Classes are a-okay, they're fine. Grades are OK but Filipino is really a bummer. :( Biology is fun.

Studies isn't what I want to write about tho. I've been rereading things I've written before and its nice to see who I was before and to compare it with who I am now. There's not much difference, but I think that's because I lack a goal or a dream that I'd like to reach. I really want to learn guitar REALLY WELL but then I want to finish this story.

The story I'm writing about is motivated by "wanting to make people cringe in sadness when they read my stories." So yeah. If ever that happens to you, tell me so that I feel happy, satisfied, and not insecure.

I was writing something a while ago, during Social Studies when the teacher made me realize something.

If people do not know how to use their freedom properly, should we give them freedom at all?

Made me think about the two different sides of Republicans and Democrats. Republicans are strict, but it is actually for the improvement of the country and etc. while the Democrats are more about the people and about caring to their needs. I think people should be more inclined to Republicans because that's how the worth and quality of the country increases. Though it's kinda shocking because it's like me saying Hitler is a good person.

He had good ideas and good ways of implementing them, though even now, I still do not see the point in some of them.

Time to write now. Here are spoilers: cafeteria, grade school crushes, and sister tips. :)


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