Saturday, July 4, 2009


I just finished nearly all my homeworks. I only have a few left to do (ignoring the filipino summary, that is) but I can't completely say I'm ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow, definitely, I will be stuttering in class again as if it was the first day of school. I'd be too lazy and tired to do anything.

Sad, there won't be any afternoon naps anymore, no more guitar practice when I just feel like it. I'm being sent to school now. Have to focus.

Grades. Grades.

I was pissed of a while ago, English had this essay about literature which was completely bullcrap. I would naturally want to impress teachers with my grades and my performance but this is a special case.

How do we even hope to get good grades when the teachers themselves are confused with what they want us to do? They need to be specific, precise, and accurate with what they want from us. And if we don't give them answers they want (or dislike our vague answers to their vague questions) OUR grades are affected.

In my previous years of studying, I'd be fine as long as I get good grades but this year is different. This is third year; the grades you send to universities you want to join. They're the next best thing to impress, after teachers.

Just ranting.

Rant rant.

I was sleeping a while ago, dreaming about this story I have in my head. If only I can share it with you without having to type it down. It being abstract and not exact is what makes it such a beautiful weave. It doesn't necessarily have to be ugly, incorrect, nor inconsistent because it hasn't been written yet. And with that clause, It can't be pretty, correct, nor is it consistent too.

I just wish I could sit down and write down the story that I feel.

I'm done ranting. I might go back to sleep or start on the bullcrap homeworks.


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