Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sticks and stones.

My last blog's title was called "the last escape" because just a while ago, I really needed to talk to someone. But i didn't want to talk with anyone. I just need someone to listen, you know? Yeah. So that's why this blog is entitled the last escape. In this site, i feel like i can write anything without anyone knowing. My secrets. Hidden.

So blog. How you been? I'm at the point of cracking up like a lunatic. I'm even talking to my blog. How about you?

Nobody reads this crap darren. bull shit.

Of course the blog can't speak for itself. And anyways, that's what i wanted. Someone who would just agree to what i say, no matter what. Well, what do i want to talk about then.

Well, i felt really bad a while ago. Really depressed. Chicks. haha. depressant. I don't even see the point anymore. They're all the same, i think.

I can change, blog. You might not think i can, but i will do my best to do so. Why am i even ranting about this. Oh right. I remember now.

To a certain person out there: Keep lying to yourself. You'll get yourself no where. Or if otherwise, then don't worry. I don't give a fuck at all.

But if so, why does it move me. I shouldn't have dared myself to do it. Look what it did to me. I'm like a crumbling mountain. A mountain wanna-be. Haha.

That's another thing that pisses me off haha. It's really annoying haha. You never know what the person thinks lol when they're typing something down, right? haha. You'd only get a weak hint (haha) that the person really isn't in his normal self. ROFL.

I should stfu really.

God gave man two ears and one mouth because listening is more important.

A blabbering fool has many things to say, while the quiet wise has learned many things already.

I've nothing else to say right now. That's all.


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