Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'll make my own book and leave behind the pages.

I'll leave these bits and pieces of myself on the internet for the older-me to look for. That sounds fun, getting to know who you were before.

God wrote a book about friendship, and cut the pages and let them fall to earth.

Friends need each other not only at their times of need (sounds stupid, keep listening). They need you when they're tired, when they're not tired. They need you when they're happy, or when they're sad. They want to be with you even at random times like changing socks or especially having spare change.

It's not on a my-friend-needs-me-i'll-be-there-right-away basis. It's a I-won't-go-to-you-when-you-need-me-kasi-i'm-right-beside-you-already.

There's no reason to not-talk to your friends, I think.

On your hospital bed

Before when I was young 'crushes' were defined if the girl is pretty or not. Guys would have that 'honor code' wherein you can't have a crush on someone's current crush unless you liked them at the same time. Though it's better otherwise to prevent any friction between the two.

Now it isn't just about the looks or things. What matters most is the personality. The quality of your friendship. Things like that.

Though we still have those childish giggling whenever we get to talk to our crushes, the 'stealing glances' and that smile. That smile that says nothing, but says SOMETHING.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A fort night

It's been a week since my last blog, last week was so filled with activities like birthdays (most of it) and some hanging out with friends. Ossum. Playing DotA is fun, especially with friends, lol.

We had this teacher substitute today for our Club subject ( Sir Libao? not sure.). He's funny, and he can guess your personality just by reading your hand writing.

I don't think it's bogus; I'm a and a logical person, you know me. I'd say that he's just guessing from our smiles and our attitudes, posture, and such. I'd say that's the closest hypothesis I can make up. Also, he tends to just accumulate his guesses when we'd approve with our nodding, amazed heads.

So yeah. I also realized that if you are a singer, it'd be hard to sing a song that isn't yours or wasn't made by you. I mean, it's like barking when you're not a dog, purring when you're not a cat, speaking but with someone else's voice. It just feels wrong, you know? It just feels like it isn't you.

I'm training my shih tzu not to bite. He kinda gets the message, though I want him to learn to "come" and "sit" but he's a lazy doggy and he keeps lying on the floor, so how do I teach him to sit, then? haha. I wonder how.

I got into insights, though I have no assignments yet. I wonder why we don't just get classified into articles so that people can brainstorm about their ideas and the person assigned to write the said article can have a holistic view. (I learned that word from CLE. lol)

My mom was telling me (last month i think) about something important. if you are to end something, whether it be a relationship or a pursuit in business, don't come back to he/she/it when you finish it. It's like, things have their chances and things come and go. It's not nice when you come back to try to make things work when it didn't work out before, either it still won't work, it'll just look awkward, or it will work but then you'd have a gut feeling that would tell you "you shouldn't have done something wrong before, so as to prevent this problem anyways". Basically, I think it's unneeded frustration, doubt, fear(?), anxiety and misunderstanding.

Though if the person you have a relationship with is worth it, then by all means, continue.

So yeah. I might watch step brothers later. I forgot to return it to Ilagan. I'll go now. DotA mamaya, dward. :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My jar of pride is like a vacuum. It can't be filled up.

So, before I write the next chapter of the thing i'm writing, I am going to write in my blog.

What has happened so far? Classes are getting more comfortable and some friends are detaching themselves from their former groups etc... Here you find the real friends that you have.

Classes are a-okay, they're fine. Grades are OK but Filipino is really a bummer. :( Biology is fun.

Studies isn't what I want to write about tho. I've been rereading things I've written before and its nice to see who I was before and to compare it with who I am now. There's not much difference, but I think that's because I lack a goal or a dream that I'd like to reach. I really want to learn guitar REALLY WELL but then I want to finish this story.

The story I'm writing about is motivated by "wanting to make people cringe in sadness when they read my stories." So yeah. If ever that happens to you, tell me so that I feel happy, satisfied, and not insecure.

I was writing something a while ago, during Social Studies when the teacher made me realize something.

If people do not know how to use their freedom properly, should we give them freedom at all?

Made me think about the two different sides of Republicans and Democrats. Republicans are strict, but it is actually for the improvement of the country and etc. while the Democrats are more about the people and about caring to their needs. I think people should be more inclined to Republicans because that's how the worth and quality of the country increases. Though it's kinda shocking because it's like me saying Hitler is a good person.

He had good ideas and good ways of implementing them, though even now, I still do not see the point in some of them.

Time to write now. Here are spoilers: cafeteria, grade school crushes, and sister tips. :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hey ho, hitler

Men speak type or chat without periods punctuation marks or anything to give any pause or expression other than using the letters themselves like psh pst ui haha and lol

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I just finished nearly all my homeworks. I only have a few left to do (ignoring the filipino summary, that is) but I can't completely say I'm ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow, definitely, I will be stuttering in class again as if it was the first day of school. I'd be too lazy and tired to do anything.

Sad, there won't be any afternoon naps anymore, no more guitar practice when I just feel like it. I'm being sent to school now. Have to focus.

Grades. Grades.

I was pissed of a while ago, English had this essay about literature which was completely bullcrap. I would naturally want to impress teachers with my grades and my performance but this is a special case.

How do we even hope to get good grades when the teachers themselves are confused with what they want us to do? They need to be specific, precise, and accurate with what they want from us. And if we don't give them answers they want (or dislike our vague answers to their vague questions) OUR grades are affected.

In my previous years of studying, I'd be fine as long as I get good grades but this year is different. This is third year; the grades you send to universities you want to join. They're the next best thing to impress, after teachers.

Just ranting.

Rant rant.

I was sleeping a while ago, dreaming about this story I have in my head. If only I can share it with you without having to type it down. It being abstract and not exact is what makes it such a beautiful weave. It doesn't necessarily have to be ugly, incorrect, nor inconsistent because it hasn't been written yet. And with that clause, It can't be pretty, correct, nor is it consistent too.

I just wish I could sit down and write down the story that I feel.

I'm done ranting. I might go back to sleep or start on the bullcrap homeworks.